Anyone who frequents Moopy might have noticed that I've recently been having a slight Scritti Politti obsession. `Cupid & Psyche '85' was one of those albums I've always meant to get hold of and now I finally have I wish I had a long time ago. Anyway, one track I have been familiar with for a very long time is that track that Green & co. wrote for Chaka Khan's 1986 album `Destiny', `Love Of A Lifetime'. It's just about the epitome of all things 80s, madly overproduced with synths-a-go-go, but Chaka gives it her all and the whole thing is just irresistable. Released as the first single from the `Destiny' album, following the extremely successful `I Feel For You' project, it incomprehensibly sank without trace. Anyway, here's the Extended Dance Mix for your disco delight. And if anyone has the single remixes of the second single from the album, the totally hatstand `Earth To Mickey', please let me know! Alas, it was the only other decent track on the album, the others involving the input of 80s nightmares such as the omnipresent Phil Collins and the hideous Mr Mister. Ewwww.
Keep up the GOOD LOVE with CHAKA!
OOH, I've been after this for an AGE. How splendid.
Chaka is a bit patchy on the album front (to put it kindly...) but "Love Of A Lifetime" is a winner. If memory serves, the vid had her whooping it up in a fairground. For some reason.
Glad to be of service!
I don't recall the video...after Chaka's frighteningly wobblesome appearance in some kind of tight black number on Top Of The Pops promoting `This Is My Night' I think I probably avoided her!
email me at adam525@hotmail.com and i'll send you the extended "Earth to Mickey" if you want it.
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