That's the best picture I could find! So, I've exchanged my Sylvester obsession for the Pointer Sisters and Love Unlimited. We'll get on to something else soon I promise. Here's the sisters' 1981 album. 'Slow Hand' was a massive hit and sets the tone for the album, which is more of a soul-style effort than their previous albums, and unusually for their albums, which usually share out vocal leads equally, the late June takes lead vocal on the majority of the tracks. I think my favourite track is the mellow 'What A Surprise'. I downloaded this album from somewhere (thanks, whoever) and cleaned it up and was pleasantly surprised to find that the version of 'What A Surprise' is slightly longer than the version on my UK issue vinyl. I've added the B-side of 'Slow Hand', the Ruth-lead 'Holdin' Out For Love', which was also recorded by Cher, as a bonus track. I've stuck it before the dread rock and roll pastiche 'Should I Do It' which I think is probably my least favourite track the sisters have ever recorded. Still, someone must like it as it was a middling hit on single release...
1. Sweet Lover Man
2. Someday We'll Be Together
3. Take My Heart, Take My Soul
4. Slow Hand
5. We're Gonna Make It
6. What A Surprise
7. Got To Find Love
8. Fall In Love Again
9. Holdin' Out For Love
10. Should I Do It
Ah, what a timely post. I dug out my copy of Breakout for the journey home last night and was a-wondering what the rest of the Sisters' album output was like. This looks like a fine place to start. Cheers Guru.
The sisters' career virtually defines the word 'varied'...they've had a go at virtually everything. Right now I'm sitting here ripping their '79 album 'Priority'...everyone else has gone disco crazy and what are they doing? Rock covers of course! Crazy stuff...watch this space!
I loved Should I Do It. Did you know that Tanya Tucker took it halfway up the country charts?
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