It's that time again! You know a while ago, when I was musing on how Barry White managed to produce so much great music during the mid/late 70s? Well, I didn't realise then quite how many Love Unlimited Orchestra albums there were. I really don't know HOW he found the time. Anyway, here's the Orchestra's 1978 effort 'My Musical Bouquet'. It's another absolute classic, I'd say on a par with 'Rhapsody In White'. Unlike the previous 'My Sweet Summer Suite' set, with its hit title track, this album didn't fare too well, coming out while Barry (and side projects) were switching labels. That's a real shame as it really is a great album. Each track contains a short ode from Barry on the usual subject of love although in this case related to his 'Musical Bouquet' [example: The violins are my roses/Red as your negligee/And through them flows my passion/In every kind of way (!)], making the album a kind of concept album. Unlike most of the Love Unlimited Orchestra albums, the vocals of Love Unlimited are much in evidence here, giving it quite a different sound to most of the previous albums, as does the chilled-out tempo of most of the tracks.
1. Don't You Know How Much I Love You (5:21)
2. Stay Please And Make Love To Me (6:50)
3. Hey Look At Me, I'm In Love (7:08)
4. Love You, Oh It's True I Do (3:53)
5. Whisper Softly (7:29)
6. Enter Love's Interlude (2:16)
7. Can't You See (6:57)
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Mike says. I love berry white and love and limited gread songs wonderful voises thanks.
I haven't really listened to many of Barry's side projects. I'm going to have to give this a try. Thanks!
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